[python-nl] Buildbot event - 1 October 2013 - Ghent

Jonas Geiregat jonas at geiregat.org
Mon Aug 26 12:13:21 CEST 2013


This is a small cross post, announcing  the next PyBug Event.

Dustin J. Mitchell will join us the 1st October in Ghent where he 
will present his Continous Integration Tool called Buildbot ( http://buildbot.net )

After Dustin's talk you can expect some lighter lighting talks by some of the PyBug members.

If you're planning on joining us or give a small talk please mark yourself as participant
at our Lanyrd page!


Date: 01/10/2013 - 19h00

Address : Whitespace - Blekerijstraat 75 9000 Ghent

Lanyrd: http://lanyrd.com/2013/buildbot/



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