[python-nl] Webservices question

Jeroen Bakker j.bakker at atmind.nl
Tue Apr 23 10:24:14 CEST 2013

On 04/22/2013 09:21 PM, Guido Kollerie wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Monique <m.dewanchand at atmind.nl> wrote:
> Hi Monique,
> I suppose you could always try Jython to code against a Java SOAP/WSDL
> library if it turns out that non of the Python libraries are a viable
> option.
Hi Guido,

Thanks for the option, but we think when choosing for Jython, the best 
option is to develop it in Java though.
We did a test with soaplib using django and seems to be a good option. 
We had some problems matching the right documentation with the right 

Jeroen & Monique
  - At Mind -

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