[python-nl] Next django meetup changed to become the python-web meetup

Kit BLAKE kitblake at infrae.com
Mon Jun 11 10:36:26 CEST 2012


Some people will miss this meetup because EuroPython is the same week.  
But on that evening we'll raise our glasses in a northerly direction ;)


On 11 Jun 2012 : 25, at 02:03, Remco Wendt wrote:

> Dear all,
> As a tryout, we have changed the next django meetup into the python- 
> web meetup. Since the web is continuously evolving, I guess  
> communities have to do the same ;)
> During this meetup anything related to Python and the Web is of  
> interest. This, of course, this still includes Django. But also  
> think of frameworks like flask, pyramid, grok, zope, etc. Or  
> technologies like tornado and twisted. Perhaps interfacing python  
> and node.js through redis is something that has brought you great  
> victories on the plains of the web? Are you using zeromq and have  
> interesting insights to share?
> We think that the Dutch Python/Django community can profit by having  
> a meetup that doesn't necessarily focus on Django but inspires  
> through sharing the best of all the different Python technologies,  
> used to power the web. We like to see if this indeed works out. So  
> we would love to have you as a presenter or otherwise see you as a  
> community member that night.
> For details: http://wiki.python.org/moin/DjangoMeetingNL/DM/ABC120704
> Hope to see you all the 4th!
> Cheers,
> Remco
> -- 
> Maykin Media
> Herengracht 416, 1017 BZ Amsterdam
> tel.: +31 (0)20 753 05 23
> mob.: +31 (0)6 187 967 06
> http://www.maykinmedia.nl
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Kit BLAKE · Infrae · http://infrae.com/  +31-10-243-7051

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