[python-nl] Python Users Meetup next week

Guyon Morée guyon.moree at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 16:45:53 CET 2010

Since no-one responded to this, here's some words of encouragement ;)

This sounds really interesting, too bad I can't be there

good luck

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Gijs Molenaar <gijs op pythonic.nl> wrote:
> On 15-3-2010 17:23, Remco Wendt wrote:
>> Hello Pythonistas,
>> Next week wednesday is PUN time again! The meetup will be held in the ABC treehouse in Amsterdam, of course we are looking for people that would like to share some of their knowledge with colleagues from across the country. So by all means, claim your spot @ http://wiki.python.org/moin/PUN/ABC240310
> Hi All,
> If nobody wants to fills up the 30 minutes time frame I can do that. I
> can give a talk about Python and Computer Vision with OpenCV.
> OpenCV is a C/C++ library for doing real time computer vision. The
> library consists of more than 500 well known and state of the art
> algorithm to extract information from visual data. There are also Python
> drivers, which cover most of this functionality without a big
> performance loss. There are multiple Python bindings actually.
> In my talk I will talk about:
>  * Computer Vision in general
>  * OpenCV
>  * The different Python API's (old (swig), new (native c++), and pyopencv).
>  * Show some real examples.
> Looking forward to show you this,
> --
> Gijs Molenaar
> http://gijs.pythonic.nl
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Guyon Morée
guyon.moree op gmail.com

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