[python-nl] Next Django meeting at June 9th looking for a sponsor

Geert Stappers stappers at stappers.nl
Sun Feb 21 19:51:54 CET 2010

Op 20100221 om 18:35 schreef Remco Wendt:
> Also w've noticed that having a rhythm like: every last wednesday
> of the month every 3 months (for the Python meetup t), works out in
> making sure that people can anticipate on upcoming events. The next
> Django meetup is also already planned, so I hope you'll be able to
> free your agenda and be able to attend.

Volgens http://wiki.python.org/moin/PUN is de volgende PYTHON bijeenkomst
woensdag 24 maart. (Dat is aanstaande woensdag.)
De laatste woensdag van maart is overigens de 31st.

Doe er jullie voordeel mee

Geert Stappers

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