[python-nl] Python at Schools

Roger Erens roger at erens-krekels.net
Fri Oct 2 19:23:14 CEST 2009

On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 14:48, Bram Braakman <bram op legalsense.nl> wrote:


> On a side note: I admire how (in the US) they know how to make it sort of
> fun for the kids to learn programming (through games, game-programming or
> things like LEGO Mindstorms/Robotics). I always felt that Dutch schools
> lacked this kind of approach to teaching.
> Cheers, Bram

Maybe it would help if the keywords of the programming languages were
localized. Dutch kids could then create a module in Dutch (e.g. in the
programming language 'Slang') which a lexer/interpreter/compiler could
translate into 'Python'. German kids might then re-use that
Python-module by having it translated into their own localized
Python-version 'Schlange'.
I think it would also be far easier for a teacher to explain the
programming concepts without English getting in their way.


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