[python-nl] Python-nl meetup in augustus

Michael Connors connorsml at gmail.com
Wed Jul 16 13:03:19 CEST 2008

> --- English summary ------
> During EuroPython 2008 a group of Dutch Pythoneers decided it would be fun
> to bring life again to the Python-nl meetups. I will be organizing these. As
> I believe python-nl should be a community about people in the Netherlands
> not so much about Dutch speaking folks, I've proposed to the python-nl
> community to have communication about python-nl meetups be in English from
> now on.
> There will be a python-nl meetup in the last week of august in Amsterdam,
> location needs to be confirmed so there is no definitive date yet. Please
> subscribe to http://upcoming.yahoo.com/group/4824/ this is the central
> location from where we will notify the community of new meetups.
> The format will most likely be:
> 2 x half hour sessions: 20 minutes talk, 10 minutes for questions
> (possibility of using some extra time if necessary for the questions).
> Speakers should propose a talk up front and thus 'claim' a slot before the
> actual meetup.
> 5 x lightning talks: strict 5 minute talks, reservation for a slot during
> the meetup. On a first come first served basis.
> Groetjes,
> Remco
> --

I am a python developer working in Amsterdam. So far my Dutch is good enough
to take part in the mailing list, but I would certainly come along to any
talks that are on. (Except in August)
I was actually thinking about starting a meetup group my self on
meetup.comwhere around 10 people are waiting for a meetup to start.

By the way, does the Dutch Python user group have a website? I can remember
how I found this list, but since I have been unable to find the website.
(Maybe due to lack of Dutch skills)
Michael Connors
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