[python-nigeria] [X-POST] PyCon India 2021: The Workshop & Talk schedule is out!

Siddhika Rakshe siddhikar28 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 2 09:50:23 EDT 2021

Hello Everyone,

The PyCon India 2021 workshop & talk schedule is out[0].

We thank everyone who submitted their proposals for talks, workshops,
Bird of Feathers (Bofs), and poster sessions being organized this
The call for proposals is a critical aspect of the conference, and we
got over 150 submissions! The review committee, along with all the
volunteers, worked quite hard to make the deadlines work. All these
efforts go on to accomplish one outcome. An incredible PyCon India
keeping you at its epicentre!

As we are releasing the workshop, talk, and keynotes schedule, be sure to look
out for the release of poster presentations, panel discussions, and
information about many more events in the coming days on Twitter and
on our mailing list.

Our Mentorship working group is working double-time to get all the
speakers on top
shape for making this year's PyCon India experience amazing for

To check the schedule you can visit the schedule page[1].

[0]. https://in.pycon.org/blog/2021/announce-2021-schedule.html
[1]. https://in.pycon.org/2021/#schedule

See you all in 45 days!

Quick Summary:

PyCon India 2021 is happening online from 17th Sep, 2021 to 20th Sep, 2021.

* WorkShop Days: 17th Sep, 2021
* Conference Days: 18th-19th Sep, 2021
* DevSprints Days: 20th Sep, 2021

Conference tickets are open now, Grab it from here:
Conference Schedule: https://in.pycon.org/2021/#schedule

Have any questions or suggestions, Do reach out to us on Zulip:

Please help us spread this message by sharing it on your social
networks as widely as possible. Thank you!

Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/pyconindia/status/1422177552777375746

With Regards,

Siddhika Rakshe
On behalf of PyCon India 2021

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