[python-nigeria] Python Software Foundation Elections

Naomi Ceder naomi.ceder at gmail.com
Sat Apr 22 15:52:36 EDT 2017

Hi everyone,

I wanted to invite all of you to become members of the Python Software
Foundation. It is free to join just by visiting
https://www.python.org/accounts/login/ and creating an account. Also you
can learn more about the PSF and membership here -

Nigeria has one of the fastest growing Python communities in the world -
you all have done so much in the past year! That means that many of you are
eligible to be contributing (and VOTING) members of the PSF.

To qualify to vote as a contributing member you need to spend 5 hours a
month, or 60 hours a year, working to benefit the PSF community. Note, if
you organise a meetup, this includes the time you spend at the meetup. It's
nearly impossible to organise a monthly meetup and not spend that amount of

So if you are spending the time to help the Python community in organising,
tutoring, mentoring, etc please become a voting member of the PSF and cast
your vote in selecting the directors you feel with best represent you and
serve the wider Python community. To do that please apply here:
https://goo.gl/forms/bjPOtSU6D5TwKZVh1 before May 1.

Here is the election calendar of the PSF Board of Directors:

Call for nominations (or self-nominations) for the Board of Directors: May
1, 2017 AoE [1]
Date nominations close: May 25, 2017 AoE
Voting request [2] deadline: May 25, 2017 AoE
Date of beginning of the vote: 1 June 2017
Date of close of voting: 10 June 2017

All people who have organized or volunteered in the Python community for at
least 5 hours per month can vote in the election. I know that many of you
have contributed a lot and I hope you will participate in the PSF elections.

If you have questions / concerns, please feel free to ask me.

Naomi Ceder

[1] AoE: https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/aoe
[2] If you are not yet a voting member, please apply here:
https://goo.gl/forms/bjPOtSU6D5TwKZVh1. If unsure, send an email to
ejodlowska @ python.org.

Naomi Ceder

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