[Python-mode] Displaying symbols in customization buffer

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Sat Mar 14 16:14:36 CET 2015

On Mar 14, 2015, at 10:38 AM, Andreas Röhler wrote:

>Hmm, you seem not that much convinced.  Well, for me it's slightly confusing
>to see this capitalized split, which I must reconstruct into the original
>name in order to understand which one is at stake.

It's not so much unconvinced as it is whether it's worth it to fix it in
python-mode, when it's an Emacs feature.  I really don't like it in *any*
customize buffers, but I think it might be too weird to see it displayed nicer
only in python-mode.  Better I think to push a fix (or option?) upstream.

>BTW consider to reduce the number of customizations, replace some by defvar.
>Notably for handing-over string-codes, setup-codes, like py-eldoc-string-code
>does.  Users being confident to change this will know about setq.

It probably does make sense to audit the knobs and see which ones are really
useful for customizing.  Or maybe split them into groups which I've seen in
other modes.

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