[Python-mode] pdbtrack with eshell

Randy Morris randy.morris at archlinux.us
Wed Sep 26 16:01:26 CEST 2012

Hello all,

I noticed that the pdbtrack functionality in python-mode only
seems to work with shell buffers and I would like to get it
working with eshell.  I came across an old version of
pdbtrack.el[1] from before it was integrated into python-mode and
a subsequent emacswiki[2] page detailing how to get pdbtrack.el
and eshell to work together.  Although the patch seems very
straightforward and seems to map directly to the pdbtrack code in
python-mode I was unable to get this working after a few minutes
of tinkering.

Has anyone looked at what it would take to get python-mode's
pdbtrack working with eshell?  I plan on digging in a little more
at some point in the coming week but I figured I'd ask before I
spent too much time on it.

[1]: http://wiki.zope.org/klm/PDBTrack
[2]: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EshellAndPdbTrack

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