[Python-mode] common mistakes

Andreas Röhler andreas.roehler at online.de
Wed Oct 10 12:27:03 CEST 2012

Hi all,

coming across a site which complains the way and state of Emacs python-mode developing


let me take the occassion to address some issues of
maybe general interest.

Certainly python-mode at it's present state has
it's limits and can be done much better. OTOH if you
consider other editors, they have shortcomings too,
albeit in maybe different areas.

So while it can be done better, the result seems is not
so bad at all in comparison.

Complaining the multitute of offerings, which requires
some choice, is a common mistake. Freedom means choice
and provokes it.

With resp. to the mentioned so called "apparent
bitterness" and it's outcoming, please compare the
capabilities of python-modes with others, with Bash or
Perl for example.

Without question we can be more polite and nice with
each other. But don't let you make that fear a strive
or even criminalise disput. We know that creativity
often is linked to a kind of unhappy behavior. We
should simply accept that and go on, enjoing the fruit
even from adorned crowns :)

BTW writing a python-mode IMHO meets some extra
difficulties due to Pythons use of indent as delimiter
- what's nice to look and use introduces some
complexity OTOH.

So after all, consider python-modes rather a story
of success than a failure.

IMHO we should go on, maybe still more outspokenly
welcome diversity than it's common now.

For me it's a pleasure to look into alternative
proceedings delivered by others. It's a source of
inspiration, of joy.


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