[Python-mode] python-mode.el 6.0.8 released

Andreas Röhler andreas.roehler at online.de
Wed May 23 21:10:32 CEST 2012

Hi Python-mode folks,

several code checkers now are accessable from menu PyTools

Special thanks to

Keegan Carruthers-Smith


Reinout van Rees

Errors are mine.

Should you miss a checker - pyflakes, pylint, or pep8

just run `easy_install THIS-TOOL'

New in version 6.0.8

- `py-pep8-run', new command checking formatting

- `py-pyflake-run', new command
    Pyflakes is a simple program which checks Python
    source files for errors. - It is similar to
    PyChecker in scope, but differs in - that it does
    not execute the modules to check them.

- `py-pylint-run', new command calls Pylint,
   a Python source code analyzer which looks for
   programming errors, helps enforcing a coding standard
   and sniffs for some code smells (as defined in Martin
   Fowler's Refactoring book) .

   Pylint checks length of lines of code, if variable
   names are well-formed according to your coding
   standard, if declared interfaces are truly
   implemented, and much more. Additionally, it is
   possible to write plugins.
   `py-pylint-doku', `py-pylint-help'

- py-pyflakespep8-run, combines calls to pyflakes and pep8

- respective flymake-modes,
   `pyflakespep8-flymake-mode', `pylint-flymake-mode'
   etc. See meny PyTools



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