[Python-mode] huge files

Andreas Röhler andreas.roehler at online.de
Wed Feb 15 09:34:36 CET 2012

Am 14.02.2012 22:31, schrieb Andrea Crotti:
> It looks like it's a common "problem" in the Elisp world, but I was
> wondering is it normal to have huge source files.
> python-mode.el is > 10k lines now, which for me causes two problems:
> - it's hard to even know the various functionalities
> - it's hard to manage the file
> I see various things that could be very easily splitted
> - virtualenv
> - ipython
> - pdbtrack (maybe)
> - defcustom-defvar (or maybe better by topic taking the variables together)
> and probably more.
> Since it doesn't do any difference in terms of performance and it's
> much less intimidating to try to grasp, is there a reason to keep all in
> one big file?

think it's basically historical.

People interested in developing/understanding might check out and use 
the components branch


I'm doing all my developing and Python editing there.
It's sometimes ahead several days, if new features are introduced. But 
the same tests are run before commits, so a possible loss in stability 
is mince.

BTW in future we could create a declared stable branch of components and 
make two tarballs for release.

CC to Barry for this question.


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