[Python-mode] highlight-indentation

Andreas Röhler andreas.roehler at online.de
Fri Mar 25 11:02:05 CET 2011

Am 14.03.2011 17:49, schrieb Barry Warsaw:
> @pycon so just a quick reply...
> On Mar 12, 2011, at 01:44 PM, Andreas Röhler wrote:
>> As for the approval: thought that's precisely what the
>> GPL is for.
> Well, the GPL makes it *legal*, but approval keeps us nice. :)
> -B

Hi Barry,

makes me some headache, will see if I'm able to explain the --in the 
precise case purely abstract-- reasons:

First at the GPL:

its often blamed and disputed and has some quirks. But seen from the 
world outside it provides indeed some miraculous, which you may call 
freedom. BTW I'm not going to relate it to other licences providing free 
software, just the phenomen Emacs and GPL at stake here.

GPL just works, it provides permissions to use, change, distribute etc.

Lets further assume any person publishing code under GPL knows what it's 

If not, we should not try to fix that by extra personal permissions 
handed over, but by teaching the meaning of the GPL.

OTOH if someone is going to state obvious things, these statements 
change its meaning.

Same when asking questions already answered.

The danger here is raising wrong expectations.

If you ask for a use, did you ask for a permission to change too?

What, if the author later changes it's mind?
Will you pull the code than out again?

See diskussions lately around python.el, what kind of difficulties may 
arise, when confidence in GPL should not be enough.

Nonetheless always trying to be as polite as my habits permit... :-)




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