[Python-mode] [Merge] lp:~a-roehler/python-mode/string-to-syntax into lp:python-mode

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Thu Jan 13 02:23:19 CET 2011

On Jan 12, 2011, at 07:16 AM, skip at pobox.com wrote:

>Why not just refer to the last version which was XEmacs-friendly on the
>Launchpad download site?  I think 5.1.0.  Modify 5.2.0 and greater if it's
>loaded in an XEmacs session that certain stuff won't work until such time in
>the future that it does work in that environment again.

There doesn't seem to be a way to have the project page show downloads from
anything but the current release.  However, old releases are still there:


Still, I think it would ultimately be best if we could continue to support
XEmacs for basic editing.  We'll have to rely on XEmacs users to test things,
but I'm also happy waiting for Skip (or whomever) to give the green light for
XEmacs compatibility before I announce a new release.

I think it would also be okay if some reduced functionality is allowed to
creep in, but let's be explicit about it.  I.e. the mode should not crash in
XEmacs, and basic editing should always work, but it would be okay if some
Emacs-only feature were supported with no equivalent in XEmacs.

But maybe there will come a point where XEmacs (or our support of it) just has
to be declared dead.  I dunno, and I don't want to make that decision, so as
long as Skip's still using it I think we should try to continue to support it.

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