[Python-mode] milestone 5.1.1

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Sun Jan 9 13:46:11 CET 2011

On Jan 09, 2011, at 08:29 AM, Georg Brandl wrote:

>I've now commented out the problematic code -- I'll try to find out more and
>maybe ask the Emacs devs, but it's not important enough to hold up a relese.
>BTW, NEWS says "New in version 5.2.0", so if you want to call the release
>5.1.1 you have to adapt this; however I'd say there are enough changes to
>warrant a minor-version step.

I agree.  I retired 5.1.1 and moved its items to the 5.2.0 milestone.  I've
tagged the tree and uploaded both the .el and the tgz file.  Thanks for all
your great work; I'm sending the announcement momentarily.

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