[Python-mode] milestone 5.1.1

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Sun Jan 9 02:27:06 CET 2011

On Jan 08, 2011, at 11:08 PM, Andreas Röhler wrote:

>Wondered why the graph of milestone doesn't show its fullfilled.
>Seems, it requires a "released" declaration.

There's no such state as 'fulfilled' afaik.  Yes, we'll have to explicitly
push the 'released' button.  Note that it's also possible to operate without
formal milestones.  In that case, when you release, you essentially create the
milestone for the release right then and there.

>Both tasks, where the milestone is declared for, are signaled "committed". So
>we get the tarball BTW

Since Georg has one last outstanding issue, let's wait for him to give the
green light and then I'll make the release.

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