[Python-mode] xemacs Potential problem

Andreas Röhler andreas.roehler at online.de
Tue Aug 9 07:35:07 CEST 2011

Am 09.08.2011 02:43, schrieb Eric S. Johansson:
> I'm experimenting with the latest beta and try to figure out what's the
> right set of options for configure for production version and I got this
> error. Any ideas?

Hi Eric,

think that's related to XEmacs compatibility problem you reported 
already with


Please ask at XEmacs devel what to do.

For the moment put a semicolon before

(require 'highlight-indentation)

in python-mode.el, that's all.

highlight-indentation is an add-on mode, displaying what 
(current-indention) also is saying. You are not missing any crucial 
without that display.

Nonetheless I'll make it not loaded for XEmacs, so you will not get that 
error anymore with upcoming version.



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