[Python-mode] Control-L's break myrkwid

Andreas Röhler andreas.roehler at online.de
Fri Apr 15 23:51:32 CEST 2011

Am 15.04.2011 23:20, schrieb Barry Warsaw:
> Oh you're going to love this one Andreas. ;)
> -----snip snip-----
> class Foo:
>      def baz(self):
> ^L
> -----snip snip-----
> I'm not sure this will come through on the email, but there is a control-L in
> column zero of the last line.  Now put point the line after `def baz` and hit
> TAB.  You'll get a max-lisp-eval-depth error.  Remove the ^L and it works
> fine.  Note that Python treats ^L's as whitespace.
> Cheers,
> -Barry


there is a phenomena I already experienced occassionaly, but couldn't 
track the cause:

max-lisp-eval-depth error is caused by py-compute-indentation AFAIS.

Now, when run it under edebug all goes through.

Result is 8, correct.

Afterwards also with normal exec error is gone.

Will look into tomorrow further.



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