[Python-mode] one more myrkwid bug

Andreas Röhler andreas.roehler at online.de
Fri Apr 15 08:59:48 CEST 2011

Am 14.04.2011 23:09, schrieb Barry Warsaw:
> On Apr 14, 2011, at 11:18 PM, Andreas Röhler wrote:
>> think we have discussed that with bug #748198:
>> col 8 will be reached _after_ the closing paren, not before.
>> When inside a dict, its pairs get piled up.
>> Unless you want to have that otherwise....
> Hi Andreas, yes this is slightly different.  Let's look at two examples.
> -----snip snip-----
> def foo():
>      x = dict(a=1,
> -----snip snip-----
> When point is after the comma and you hit return, the next line should line up
> under the 'a'.  Which it does, so there's no problem here.
> -----snip snip-----
> def foo():
>      x = dict(
> -----snip snip-----
> Here, the open paren is the last thing on the line.  When point is after the
> open paren and you hit return, you should land 4 spaces indented from under
> the 'x', not (as is currently the case) to the space right of the open paren.
> This is because you'll end up writing this:
> -----snip snip-----
> def foo():
>      x = dict(
>          a=1,
>          b=2,
>          c=3,
>          )
> -----snip snip-----

Hi Barry,


def foo():
     x = dict(

which looks okay for me.

If "4 spaces after assignement start" shall be the rule, we get next bug 
report, should someone leave out the spaces, which would produce a nasty

def foo():

Anyway, should you being sure to want that, it's to implement.

Would make that customizable with a var


or so, which would be true here, nil the default. (?)

BTW: indent should go along with meaning, if possible.
Well, you being the authority :)



PS Applied patch from 691542 this morning. Will push it into myrkwid also.

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