[Python-mode] [PDEE] CEDET integration with python-mode.el?

Andreas Roehler andreas.roehler at online.de
Tue Mar 23 14:04:03 CET 2010

Rocky Bernstein wrote:
> Comments in line.
> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 6:35 PM, Yaroslav Halchenko
> <lists at onerussian.com <mailto:lists at onerussian.com>> wrote:
>     On Sat, 20 Mar 2010, Rohan Nicholls wrote:
>     > > Ipython + python-mode + python-ropemacs + pylint + flymake + outline
>     > > >...<
>     > I have also used such a setup, and it has a lot to offer, but I found
>     > that it really dies on you when you work with big projects.  I think
>     > >...<
>     I had similar slowdown/cpu_intensive experience with some versions of
>     pylint and more or less large projects but then it somehow became sane
>     again (didn't check if any recent version changelog had any
>     performance/dependecy_tracking improvements  mentioned)
>     > emacs frontend to rpdb (command line version of the winpdb debugger),
>     > which seems to handle threading as well if not better than anyone
>     > else.  Pdb falls down horribly when dealing with multi-threaded
>     > applications such as a wx-python or zope app.
>     what about pydb (or even may be a new rewrite pydbgr ?) 
>      I bet Rocky
>     (their author) who is also an emacs user might like to join the forces
>     to provide adequate glue? 
> Of course, I'm happy to work with folks who are interested in using
> pydbgr and ensuring it plays nice with other tools. Strategically I'd
> like to see it and other debuggers of this ilk use DBGp, the remote
> debugging protocol. See http://xdebug.org/docs-dbgp.php.
> Right now though pydbgr has remote debugging support using a home-grown
> protocol based on the Ruby debugger ruby-debug. And by the way, both
> pydb and pydbgr do support working with threads.
> As for emacs and debugger integration, see the emacs-dbgr project on github
> http://github.com/rocky/emacs-dbgr. It has lots of rough edges but
> personally I use it all the time. Generally though I use it with
> debuggers such as for Ruby, POSIX shells and gdb since I don't do much
> Python coding.
> emacs-dbgr definitely is a much better foundation to work with on the
> Emacs side for debuggers than gud.el. It makes better use of Emacs Lisp
> and Emacs built in capabilities. For example it uses marks to store
> locations in the source and process buffers; it uses a ring to store
> history locations and buffer-local structs to store debugger information.
> Right now emacs-dbgr only supports for pydbgr with regards to Python,
> but adding other debuggers such as pdb, pydb, or rpdb is pretty easy. If
> someone is interested in that let me know.
> The gating factor on all of this development work is that the lack of
> interest in the community. Personally I don't have need to use Python
> right now, and historically ipython and Python folks haven't been much
> interested in pydb let alone pydbgr. But to be fair, I'm not sure that
> historically there has been all that much interest in pdb either.

Hi Rocky,

great to see you here.

Not being that experienced python-user either, played a little bit with pydb.el and like it, as
it doesn't require an entry into the python-source. Thanks a lot BTW.

Most simply way getting your stuff distributed alongside with python-mode seems making a branch and upload it.

Once your branch(es) show up, it will be cared for connection into python-mode.

If you think that's to much, there should be ways mirrowing your stuff from the place it resides.

Thanks again



>     (CCing him just in case... for the complete
>     thread see
>     http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-mode/2010-March/000751.html
>     --
>                                      .-.
>     =------------------------------   /v\  ----------------------------=
>     Keep in touch                    // \\     (yoh@|www.)onerussian.com
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>     Yaroslav Halchenko              /(   )\               ICQ#: 60653192
>                       Linux User    ^^-^^    [175555]
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