[Python-mode] [PDEE] CEDET integration with python-mode.el?

Yaroslav Halchenko lists at onerussian.com
Sat Mar 20 23:35:35 CET 2010

On Sat, 20 Mar 2010, Rohan Nicholls wrote:
> > Ipython + python-mode + python-ropemacs + pylint + flymake + outline
> > >...<
> I have also used such a setup, and it has a lot to offer, but I found
> that it really dies on you when you work with big projects.  I think
> >...<
I had similar slowdown/cpu_intensive experience with some versions of
pylint and more or less large projects but then it somehow became sane
again (didn't check if any recent version changelog had any
performance/dependecy_tracking improvements  mentioned)

> emacs frontend to rpdb (command line version of the winpdb debugger),
> which seems to handle threading as well if not better than anyone
> else.  Pdb falls down horribly when dealing with multi-threaded
> applications such as a wx-python or zope app.
what about pydb (or even may be a new rewrite pydbgr ?)  I bet Rocky
(their author) who is also an emacs user might like to join the forces
to provide adequate glue? (CCing him just in case... for the complete
thread see 

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Keep in touch                    // \\     (yoh@|www.)onerussian.com
Yaroslav Halchenko              /(   )\               ICQ#: 60653192
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