[Python-mode] Hey

Andreas Roehler andreas.roehler at online.de
Wed Mar 17 16:40:57 CET 2010

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Mar 17, 2010, at 8:28 AM, Andreas Roehler wrote:
>> Seems thats normal, wikis are a kind of marketplaces: rather loud, with dirty corners.
>> However, if you got your vegetables, it's done, it's great.
>> So I'm rather in favour of EmacsWiki, inclusive it's clowns corner. :-)
> The fundamental nature of wikis is that they always need gardening.
> I still don't know of any place better to put this information.
> -Barry

Nor do I.

BTW as far as it concerns emacs lisp snippets I store stuff at


It allows playing with git too, which is a great DVC indeed,

it's open for all emacs folks.


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