[Python-mode] python setup ?

Richard Riley rileyrgdev at googlemail.com
Mon May 4 18:57:46 CEST 2009

Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> writes:

> On Apr 30, 2009, at 3:25 AM, Andreas Röhler wrote:
>> With python-mode.el, people may have good reasons, to
>> use it as it is - and me to leave it as it is.  Thats
>> fine with bazaar and other DVCs, we can do that. My
>> branch doesn't hamper the origin and any further branch
>> will not. Its just freedom to try and see.
> This is true, and experimentation a good thing in the short term.  In  
> the long term though, a proliferation of branches just confuses people  
> because no one's sure which is the official branch.  Our lives are  
> more difficult too because of the python-mode.el/python.el split.
> So I encourage you to experiment and get user feedback.  Old-timers  
> (and remember, python-mode.el's been in widespread use for 15 years)  
> will be wedded to their muscle memory, but if you introduce a user- 
> visible change that people like, they can be made configurable with  
> defaults providing the old behavior.  Then it will be possible to  
> merge your changes back into the official branch.  If you modularize  
> your changes, then the less controversial ones can get merged in sooner.
> -Barry

IMO any new "obviously useful" features should be enabled by
default. Old Timers should have no problem reverting to older
configurations via settings. A point which generates much contention I
know. As it is, Python set up is/was a minefield. I have a reasonable
set up here fwiw,

This includes pysmell completions for hippie expand and company-mode.


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