[Python-mode] python-mode for Debian GNU/Linux distribution

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Feb 2 16:32:52 CET 2009

Hash: SHA1

On Feb 1, 2009, at 2:36 PM, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:

> I am new to the list, so few words about me... I am just one in the  
> army
> of Debian developers and maintainers, I also look at human brains on a
> daily basis,  and I have 2 kids and a wife ;) and as you could guess  
> --
> I am developing in Python and live in emacs.

Kids and wives will do that to you.  I have one of each, which is  
probably why I use Python and Emacs too.  I don't look at human brains  
on a /daily/ basis, but just whenever the opportunity arises.  Human  
minds, well, that's a different story.

> I decided to take over python-mode package in Debian, which was
> previously maintained by Matthias Klose.  Since the open bug-count and
> outdatedness of the package in Debian grew to the level of my personal
> threshold, I decided to sacrifice some time and reincarnate the  
> package
> with your fresh release.

Fantastic!  Thanks.

> I hope you would not mind few questions I have, and if you are
> interested in the refreshed Debian package -- read on below
> Questions
> ---------
> I see that people are actively engaged in the discussion of the future
> of python.el and python-mode.el, but I hope someone would be able to
> clarify just few questions to me which I've not got cleared-out
> 1. what entity or a person is currently a copyright holder for  
> python-mode?
> python-mode.el lists:
> ,--
> | ;; Copyright (C) 1992,1993,1994  Tim Peters
> |
> | ;; Author: 2003-2009 https://launchpad.net/python-mode
> | ;;         1995-2002 Barry A. Warsaw
> | ;;         1992-1994 Tim Peters
> `---
> so, there is no copyright statements since 1994... I see that multiple
> people contributed:
> $> git shortlog -n -s python-mode.el
>   247  bwarsaw
>    32  montanaro
>     9  Barry Warsaw
>     9  klm
> so there are at least 3 persons (after Tim) who contributed, are  
> they all
> copyright holders, or it was transfered to Barry?
> I know that you are discussing about transferring copyright to FSF,  
> but I
> wonder what is the current list of the copyright holders in the main  
> trunk?

I would say that that is a very murky question.  It's probably about  
as well understood as the copyright ownership of XEmacs.

> 2. I guess respective authors are copyright holders of pycomplete*  
> and doctest*
>  files (and license is BSD), right?

See above.  Nobody objected to my call to GPLv3 the file, so I did  
that.  I think that's the best answer we're ever likely to get for  
this file.

> Debian packaging
> ----------------
> If you are interested in the packaging I've done:
> I have prepared first tentative version of the package, which based on
> * previous packaging done by Matthias
> * current release which is present in your bzr trunk branch.
> Unfortunately I have no clue in bzr, and I am a git user, hence I  
> cloned
> your bzr repository using git-bzr, and hope that it will work in the  
> future for
> incremental updates ;-)

I'm not a git user, so if you can translate changes back into bzr and  
push branches to Launchpad, that would be idea.  Hopefully git-bzr can  
do that.  If not, patches will have to do.

> You can see my repository of the tentative package at
> http://git.onerussian.com/?p=deb/python-mode.git;a=summary
> (or if you like to clone it, use
> git clone http://git.onerussian.com/vcs/deb/python-mode.git)
> 'master' branch (as well as bzr/upstream) should correspond to your  
> development
> branch, branch 'upstream' is just a 'filtered' version of master,  
> which I based
> actually on the tarballs which were present in debian versions of  
> the package.
> So it is what you have in trunk but without website (I guess there  
> is no reason
> to distribute it atm for Debian users. And branch debian is actual  
> debian
> packaging on top of 'upstream' branch.
> Tentative package is available from
> http://itanix.rutgers.edu/rumba/dists/sid/perspect/binary-all/python/python-mode_5.1.0-1 
> ~pre1_all.deb
> As soon as 'copyright' is clarified I will upload package into  
> Debian sid
> (unstable), which should close at least 7 bug reports opened in  
> bugs.debian.org.
> any comments and wishes are welcome

Hope the above helps.

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