[Python-mode] [Novice]enabling python-mode

Saurabh Agrawal mailsaurabh at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 19:41:11 CET 2008

Hi Skip,

Thanks for replying.

> You are probably still getting the python.el python mode which comes with
> GNU Emacs.  To see if this is so you can execute
>    M-x find-function RET python-mode RET
> then see what the name of the file it pops up is.  I'm pretty sure it will
> be named "python.el".

Yup, you are right here. It does throw up python.el.

> I'm not enough of a Emacs Lisp whiz to provide a solution with 100%
> confidence, but here's what I'd try:
>    * Inside a running Emacs execute
>        M-x load-library RET python-mode RET
>      This should enable the python-mode project's version of python mode
>      for the current session.  If this fails, python-mode.el is not on your
>      load-path.  Either move it or extend load-path

This shows "Loading python-mode...done". But there is no change in the mode
line. :(

Any idea what am I getting wrong?

Sorry again for bothering you with such basic stuff.

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