[Python-mode] tab-completion in ipython requires CR after TAB.

Matthew Wilson matt at overlook.homelinux.net
Mon Jun 5 15:30:52 CEST 2006

After learning the bare bones of emacs years ago, then switching to vim,
I'm getting back into emacs because I hope that python-mode will better
integrate the python interpreter and the editor.

Anyhow, I got ipython running as my interpreter when I hit C-c !, and I
switch buffers with C-x o.

I really like how ipython does tab-completion, and shows all the member
attributes of an object.

However, when I try this in an ipython session inside emacs, I have to
hit TAB followed by a carriage return.  The TAB actually prints to the

Does anyone know how to prevent the tab from printing, and, how to not
require hitting enter? 



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