[Python-mode] python-mode $Revision: 1.2 $; indentation breaks on "def" comment

Chris Green cmg at dok.org
Wed Mar 3 10:55:12 EST 2004

Dear Barry,

Please replace this text with a sufficiently large code sample
and an exact recipe so that I can reproduce your problem.  Failure
to do so may mean a greater delay in fixing your bug.

Emacs  : XEmacs 21.4 (patch 14) "Reasonable Discussion" [Lucid] (i686-pc-linux) of Fri Nov 21 2003 on localhost
Package: python-mode $Revision: 1.2 $
This is my own revision number from personal CVS.  This is a cvs copy of this circa 2004

current state:
 py-python-command "python"
 py-indent-offset 4
 py-block-comment-prefix "##"
 py-temp-directory "/home/cmg/tmp"
 py-beep-if-tab-change t

def x():
    if x:
    "cursor will end up here when hitting enter on if x rather than 4 spaces in"

Making def""" x def""" fixes the problem

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