extend behaviour of assignment operator

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Wed Jan 10 13:44:31 EST 2024

Guenther Sohler wrote at 2024-1-9 08:14 +0100:
>when i run this code
>a = cube([10,1,1])
>b = a
>i'd like to extend the behaviour  of the assignment operator
>a shall not only contain the cube, but  the cube shall also know which
>variable name it
>was assigned to, lately. I'd like to use that for improved user interaction.

`Acquisition` (--> `PyPI`) implements something similar.

It does not work for variables -- but for attribute access.
Look at the following code:

from Acquisition import Implicit

class AccessAwareContainer(Implicit):

class AccessAwareContent(Implicit):

container = AccessAwareContainer()
container.content = AccessAwareContent()

When you now assign `content = container.content`, then
`content` knows that it has been accessed via `container`.

If fact `content` is not a true `AccessAwareContent` instance
but a wrapper proxy for it. It mostly behaves like an
`AccessAwareContent` object but has additional information
(e.g. it knows the access parent).

It works via a special `__getattribute__` method, essentially
implemented by:

   def __getattribute__(self, k):
     v = super().__getattribute__(k)
     return v.__of__(self) if hasattr(v, "__of__") else v

Your use case could be implemented similarly (again not for variables
and all objects, but for special classes (and maybe special objects)).

Your `__getattribute__` could look like:
   def __getattribute__(self, k):
     v = super().__getattribute__(k)
       v.name = k
     except TypeError: pass
     return v

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