Is there a way to implement the ** operator on a custom object

Cameron Simpson cs at
Fri Feb 9 00:50:21 EST 2024

On 08Feb2024 12:21, tony.flury at <tony.flury at> wrote:
>I know that mappings by default support the ** operator, to unpack the 
>mapping into key word arguments.
>Has it been considered implementing a dunder method for the ** 
>operator so you could unpack an object into a key word argument, and 
>the developer could choose which keywords would be generated (or could 
>even generate 'virtual' attributes).

Can you show us why you think that would look like in code?

Note that Python already has `a ** b` to raise `a` to the power of `b`, 
and it has a bunder method `__pow__` which you can define.

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