type annotation vs working code

Karsten Hilbert Karsten.Hilbert at gmx.net
Sun Oct 1 07:57:10 EDT 2023

Sorry for having conflated the core of the matter with all
the Borg shenanigans, that's where I found the problem in my
real code, so there :-)

Consider this:

class Surprise:
	def __init__(self, with_type_annotation=False):
		if with_type_annotation:
				print('does_not_exist does exist')
			except AttributeError:
				print('does_not_exist does not exist')

			print('does_not_exist does exist')
		except AttributeError:
			print('does_not_exist does not exist')

Surprise(with_type_annotation = False)
Surprise(with_type_annotation = True)

Is this how it is supposed to be ?

> ...and so we're addressing the important question: the try-test is for existence, cf for
> some value.
> This can also be achieved by using the attribute in a legal expression, eg:
> Might this remove the confusion (ref: @Mats):
>     self.already_initialized:bool == True

Not for me as that would _create_ already_initialized on the
instance. It would not allow me to test for it.

> >Which seems akin constructs for generating compatibility
> >between versions.
> versions of ?

Of the language. Sometimes one tests for existence of a given
class in a module and defines said class oneself if it does
not exist. But that's leading astray.

> What is the intent: a class where each instance is aware of every other instance - yet
> the word "Singleton" implies there's only one (cf a dict full of ...)?

The latter.

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