PythonPath / sys.path

Grizzy Adams RealGrizzlyAdams at
Sun May 14 15:00:52 EDT 2023

Sunday, May 14, 2023  at 11:11, Mats Wichmann wrote:
Re: PythonPath / sys.path (at least in part)

>On 5/14/23 10:43, Barry wrote:

>> I take it you have business reasons to use an obsolete version python.
>> Where did you get your version of python from?

>In fact, a *nine* year old version of Python that reached end-of-life 
>four years ago.

>Just sayin'

>Python version shouldn't have anything to do with the sys.path, though.

I must have slept a while

Python 3.4.10 (default, Jul 14 2019, 14:41:03) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on 

Actually I did have 3..4.3 when I asked the question (first time) because I 
could only find 3.4.10 as src and did not feel I was able to compile it with 
any certainty ;->)

I have since moved up (a little) so only ~4 years old, I then updated pip from 
9.x to 19.1

reason its an old version is it's an old PC (XpPro), if I start to get passable 

at this I will try it on my Ubuntu box which is running 22.04 (latest LTS) and 
23.04, (23.10 daily builds soon) I took a look and it seems I "may" have to 
play a little to get IDLE on (if it's not in the normal repo's)

I seem to have managed to sort "PythonPath / sys.path" the environment variable 

is working, so I can now import my_work without any other hassle, which is 
good, now I find that some of the files which worked a treat from GUI, Editor 
(F5) or terminal but don't do the same once saved and imported later, I'm sure 
it's me, I have come from VB/VBA, Delphi and a (very) little C++, and am still 
working through the python tutorial, trying not to skip ahead (ok I did skip 
"Hello World" :->) so I may end up asking some (senior moment) newbie 
questions, I will try hard to work it out myself first

Thanks to all who got me thus far


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