Standard class for time *period*?

Cameron Simpson cs at
Wed Mar 29 20:13:09 EDT 2023

On 30Mar2023 10:13, Cameron Simpson <cs at> wrote:
>I do in fact have a `TimePartition` in my timeseries module; it 
>presently doesn't do comparisons because I'm not comparing them - I'm 
>just using them as slices into the timeseries data on the whole.

On review it isn't a great match for a simple time range; it's aimed at 
expressing the time ranges into which my time series data files are 
broken up.

I think most of the code using this particular class just starts with a 
`start_unixtime` and `end_unixtime` and indexes whichever timeseries 
it's using, and these come into play internally to access the relevant 
files. There are a bunch of methods to take a pair of start/stop 
unixtimes and return time slot indices etc.

So even I don't have a purely time period class, right now anyway; 
passing around a pair of floats is so simple that I probably haven't 
elaborated on it. Just made ways to make that pair from what I'm given.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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