Can you process seismographic signals in Python or should I switch to Matlab ?

Thomas Passin list1 at
Mon Mar 13 14:10:14 EDT 2023

On 3/13/2023 11:54 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:> On Mon, 13 Mar 2023, Thomas 
Passin wrote:
 >> No doubt, depending on the data formats used. But it's still going
 >> to be a big task.
 > Thomas,
 > True, but once you have a dataframe with all the information about
 > all the earthquakes you can extract data for every analysis you want
 > to do.
This message would better have gone to the list instead of just me.

I'm not saying that Pandas is a bad choice!  I'm saying that getting all
that data into shape so that it can be ingested into a usable dataframe
will be a lot of hard work.

 > If you've not read Wes McKinney's "Python for Data Analysis: Data
 > Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython" I encourage you to do so.

I've been interested in that title, but since I don't currently have any
large, complex data wrangling problems I've put it off.

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