Should NoneType be iterable?

Roel Schroeven roel at
Tue Jun 20 03:30:37 EDT 2023

Op 20/06/2023 om 2:50 schreef Greg Ewing via Python-list:
> I would question the wisdom of designing an API that
> can return either a sequence or None. If it normally
> returns a sequence, and there are no items to return,
> it should return an empty sequence.
I guess it depends on the reason why there are no items. If it is simply 
because there are no items, then yes, I agree it should return an empty 
sequence. But if it is because of some kind of error condition, I don't 
think it should. But in that case I don't think the API should return 
None either: I feel it should raise an exception.

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