Canonical list of Python security vulnerabilities

Dieter Maurer dieter at
Sat Jul 15 13:02:16 EDT 2023

Bob Kline wrote at 2023-7-14 13:35 -0400:
>Can someone point me to the official catalog of security vulnerabilities in
>Python (by which I mean cpython and the standard libraries)? I found
>but that isn't maintained by

I am active in the `Zope` community (a web application server
based on Python). This community has a security mailing list
for security related reports
and issues public CVE (= "Commun Vulnerabilities and Exposures") reports
(via a "GitHUB" service) as soon as a security risk has been resolved.

I expect that security risks for Python itself are handled in
a similar way (as, Python too, maintains its code on "GitHUB").
This means that the CVE dictionary should contain **ALL**
publicly announced security risk reports whether found by
the Pyhton community or packagers.

For details about CVE, read

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