Python not found

Eryk Sun eryksun at
Thu Jan 26 17:47:36 EST 2023

On 1/26/23, Bela Gesztesi <bgesztesi at> wrote:
> C:\DJI>py WM231 --port COM3 GimbalCalib JointCoarse
> Python was not found; run without arguments to install from the Microsoft
> Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings > Manage App Execution
> Aliases.

Do what it's telling you to do. Either install the app version of
Python, or disable the "python.exe" and "python3.exe"  app aliases.

The "python.exe" and "python3.exe" app aliases that are distributed
with Windows run a "PythonRedirector" app that just opens the
Microsoft Store to download the latest version of the app version of
Python. When run with command-line arguments, they print the message
that's quoted above.

What's happening here is that the py launcher reads a shebang line
from "" of the form "#!/usr/bin/env python3".
It thus searches PATH for "python3.exe" and finds the app alias. We
should probably update the launcher to ignore an alias to the
"PythonRedirector" app.

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