Evaluation of variable as f-string

Antoon Pardon antoon.pardon at vub.be
Wed Jan 25 13:26:47 EST 2023

Op 23/01/2023 om 17:24 schreef Johannes Bauer:
> Hi there,
> is there an easy way to evaluate a string stored in a variable as if 
> it were an f-string at runtime?
> I.e., what I want is to be able to do this:
> x = { "y": "z" }
> print(f"-> {x['y']}")
> This prints "-> z", as expected. But consider:
> x = { "y": "z" }
> s = "-> {x['y']}"
> print(s.format(x = x))
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> KeyError: "'y'"
> Even though
> s = "-> {x}"
> print(s.format(x = x))
> Prints the expected "-> {'y': 'z'}".
I am probably missing something but is there a reason why the following 
wouldn't do what you want:

x = { "y": "z" }
s = "-> {target}"
print(s.format(target = x['y']))

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