Line continuation and comments

Cameron Simpson cs at
Thu Feb 23 22:50:39 EST 2023

On 24/02/2023 12.45, Weatherby,Gerard wrote:
>>NB my PyCharm-settings grumble whenever I create an identifier which 
>>only used once (and perhaps, soon after it was established). I
>>understand the (space) optimisation, but prefer to trade that for

It isn't "space". Got an example for that warning? I don't use PyCharm, 
but the main linter warning I get is an _unused_ variable, eg:

     def f():
         x = 3

I set x and never use it. Likely brain fade on my part, and worth a 

On 24Feb2023 15:01, dn <PythonList at> wrote:
>>I haven’t seen that one. What I get is warnings about:
>>def is_adult( self )->bool:
>>     LEGAL_AGE_US = 21
>>     return LEGAL_AGE
>>It doesn’t like LEGAL_AGE_US being all caps if declared in a function.
>Yes, I suffered this one too.
>The rationale comes from PEP-008 (Constants):
>Constants are usually defined on a module level and written in all 
>capital letters with underscores separating words.

Yeah. The above looks like a method. I'd probably have something like:

     class C:

         LEGAL_AGE_US = 21

         def is_adult(self) -> bool:
             return self.age >= self.LEGAL_AGE_US

Variables used (self). Constant a class attribute.

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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