Python: How to use the 'trace' module programmatically?

Peter Slížik peter.slizik at
Wed Feb 15 04:56:13 EST 2023


I'm trying to analyze complex Python code. For some specific reasons, I
decided to use tracing instead of a debugger.

The first thing I tried was:

python -m trace -t /path/to/

The output of this command turned out to be completely useless. The reason
is that there was a thread running in the background, doing some work
every *0.1
s* and this generated thousands of lines of tracing information. The useful
information (a reaction to my interaction with app GUI) scrolled away in a

For this reason, I decided to limit the scope of tracing. I did the

The original code:

def caller():
    print("I'm the caller.")
def callee():
    print("Callee here.")

Code modified for tracing:

import trace

tracer = trace.Tracer(
def outer():
    print("I'm the caller.")
def inner():
    print("Callee here.")

Now I launched the program and the tracer did not generate any output. I
was hoping that this would provide complete tracing information, but only
for the limited scope of inner().

No success with either.

What I was able to do, when I set count=1, I was able to catch the coverage
data with tracer.results() and write them to a file. But the tracing
information was not generated even in this case.

Am I doing anything wrong?


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