mypy question

Karsten Hilbert Karsten.Hilbert at
Fri Dec 29 07:15:29 EST 2023

Hi all,

I am not sure why mypy thinks this error: Argument "queries" to "run_rw_queries" has incompatible type "List[Dict[str, str]]"; expected
"List[Dict[str, Union[str, List[Any], Dict[str, Any]]]]"  [arg-type]
                    rows, idx = run_rw_queries(link_obj = conn, queries = queries, return_data = True)

should be flagged. The intent is for "queries" to be

a list
	of dicts
		with keys of str
		and values of
			str OR
			list of anything OR
			dict with
				keys of str
				and values of anything

I'd have thunk list[dict[str,str]] matches that ?

This is on Python 3.11.2 with mypy 1.0.1 on Debian.

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