Near and far clip plane in glowscript

Poul Riis priisdk at
Sat Aug 19 03:43:44 EDT 2023

Yes, I know that this is not the right forum to present my problem but I have tried the glowscript forum without succes.

A different programming language, PyWeb3D, has this simple command to control the distances from the camera to the near and far planes:
camera=PerspectiveCamera( 45, width / height, 1, 1000 )
where 1 is the distance to the near plane and 1000 is the distance to the far plane. 
- see

I am convinced that there must be a similar way to control these parameters from glowscript because it is obvious that they are set to some default values because I see objects disappear in some cases. But I have no idea how!?!? 
I suspect it has to to with WebGL and how to reach WebGL commands from glowscript.
What I hope is that someone at this forum can give a little hint as to get closer to a solution. It would make me very, very happy!

Poul Riis

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