for a 'good python'

jak nospam at please.ty
Wed Apr 12 06:29:59 EDT 2023

Hi everyone,
some time ago I wrote a class to determine if an ipv4 address belonged
to a subnet. Seldom using python I'm pretty sure it's not written in
'good python' nor too portable. Could you give me some advice to make it

class calcip:
     def __init__(self, psubnet: str):
         ssubnet, scidr = psubnet.replace(' ', '').split('/')
         subnet = int.from_bytes(tuple(
                                   map(lambda n: (int(n)), 
         cidr = int(scidr)
         mask = ((2 ** cidr) - 1) << (32 - cidr)
         self.__network = subnet & mask
         self.__wildcard = ~mask & 0xffffffff
         self.__broadcast = (subnet | self.__wildcard) & 0xffffffff
         self.__tsubnet = tuple(subnet.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
         self.__tnetwork = tuple(self.__network.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
         self.__tbroadcast = tuple(self.__broadcast.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
         self.__tmask = tuple(mask.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
         self.__twildcard = tuple(self.__wildcard.to_bytes(4, 'big'))
         self.__host_min = tuple((self.__network + 1).to_bytes(4, 'big'))
         self.__host_max = tuple((self.__broadcast - 1).to_bytes(4, 'big'))

     def __to_str(val: tuple):
         return '.'.join(str(v) for v in val)

     def subnet(self):
         return self.__to_str(self.__tsubnet)

     def network(self):
         return self.__to_str(self.__tnetwork)

     def broadcast(self):
         return self.__to_str(self.__tbroadcast)

     def mask(self):
         return self.__to_str(self.__tmask)

     def wildcard(self):
         return self.__to_str(self.__twildcard)

     def host_min(self):
         return self.__to_str(self.__host_min)

     def host_max(self):
         return self.__to_str(self.__host_max)

     def hosts_num(self):
         return self.__wildcard - 1

     def net_class(self):
         tst = (self.__tnetwork[0] & 0xf0) >> 4
         if (tst & 0x8) == 0:
             clx = 'A'
         elif (tst & 0xc) == 0x8:
             clx = 'B'
         elif (tst & 0xe) == 0xc:
             clx = 'C'
         elif (tst & 0xf) == 0xe:
             clx = 'D'
         elif (tst & 0xf) == 0xf:
             clx = 'E'
         return clx

     def __contains__(self, item):
         ret = True
         row_hdr = None
             row_hdr = int.from_bytes(tuple(map(lambda n: (int(n)), 
item.split('.'))), 'big')
             ret = False
         if ret:
             if not self.__network < row_hdr < self.__broadcast:
                 ret = False
         return ret

def main():
     sn = calcip('')

     print(f"subnet: {sn.subnet}")
     print(f"network: {}")
     print(f"broadcast: {sn.broadcast}")
     print(f"mask: {sn.mask}")
     print(f"wildcard: {sn.wildcard}")
     print(f"host_min: {sn.host_min}")
     print(f"host_max: {sn.host_max}")
     print(f"Avaible hosts: {sn.hosts_num}")
     print(f"Class: {sn.net_class}")

     tst_hdr = ''
     is_not = 'is '
     if not tst_hdr in sn:
         is_not = 'is NOT '
     print("hdr %s %sin range %s - %s" %
           (tst_hdr, is_not, sn.host_min, sn.host_max))

if __name__ == '__main__':

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