Initialising a Config class

dn PythonList at
Tue Apr 11 16:26:45 EDT 2023

On 12/04/2023 02.29, Loris Bennett wrote:
> Hi,
> Having solved my problem regarding setting up 'logger' such that it is

> My reading suggests that setting up a module with a Config class which
> can be imported by any part of the program might be a reasonable approach:

> However, in my config file I am using sections, so 'config' is a dict of
> dicts.  Is there any cleverer generic way of initialising the class than

> This seems a bit clunky, because I'll end up with something like

> So the question is: How can I map a dict of dicts onto class attributes
> in a generic way such that only code which wants to use a new
> configuration parameter needs to be changed and not the Config class
> itself?  Or should I be doing this differently?
> Note that the values from ConfigParser are all strings, so I am fine
> with the attributes being strings - I'll just convert them as needed at
> the point of use (but maybe there is also a better way of handling that
> within a class).

Good progress!

The first achievement has been related to the (OO) concept of 
"encapsulation" - collecting related data into one place.

The second, has been the making of this, globally-accessible within the 

The balancing-act may now have become: making sub-sets of the data 

Thus, describing which database server and schema/view to use is part of 
the application's environment/config, just as much as the labels, eg 
company name, used in the GUI or reporting. Such data has been collected 
together (into a single 'source of truth'), but will be used in quite 
separate and/or disparate functionality within the application.

The config file has been (sensibly) split into sections - when the code 
is dealing with the DB it does not need to be concerned with 
GUI-settings - or vice-versa.

Accordingly, and like any other class (encapsulation), having been 
collected en-masse (or 'amassed', eg cmdLN options combined with a 
JSON/YAML/.ini file's settings) the data should be delivered 
appropriately. Thus, a 'getter' method (or property) to deliver the name 
of the company (likely a string). The one for the database may deliver a 
dict or key-value pairs which can be immediately 'pasted' into some 
db-open function-call...

Such retrieval-methods will be targeted to the sub-systems of the 
application. They can perform formatting and coercion tasks, as 
necessary, eg construct full-name from two or more separate data-items, 
eg first_name and family_name, or perhaps providing floats where the 
config-collection only receives strings. (best to 'hide' all that within 
the class, than require the application to deal with the 'clunkiness'). 
Plus, they could?should provide whatever combination of data-items is 
appropriate to THAT part of the application's need for config-data or 
constraints. (etc)

Stuff as much as is possible into the config class - how to collect 
environment-data, and satisfying any/all demands for its use. Then, the 
application can be relieved of all detail ("give me what I want"), only 
asking for whatever it requires, when it requires, and in the format it 
requires - tailored and ready for immediate-use...


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