Which architectures to support in a CI like Travis?

c.buhtz at posteo.jp c.buhtz at posteo.jp
Sun Sep 18 05:46:45 EDT 2022


I am using TravisCI for my project on GitHub. The project is packaged
for Debian, Ubuntu, Arch and several other distros.

All this distros support multiple architectures and they have their own
test machines to take care that all packages working on all archs.

On my side (upstream) I wonder which arch I should "support" in my
TravisCI configuration. I wan't to speed up travis and I want to save
energy and carbon.

I suspect that my Python code should run on much every platform that
offers a Python interpreter. Of course there are edge cases. But they
would be captured by the distros own test environments.

So is there a good and objective reason to support multiple (and maybe)
exotic platforms in a CI pipeline on upstream?


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