Strange UnicodeEncodeError in Windows image on Azure DevOps and Github

12Jessicasmith34 12jessicasmith34 at
Fri Nov 11 20:20:17 EST 2022

      >  If stdout isn't a console (e.g. a pipe), it defaults to using the 
process code page (i.e. CP_ACP), such as legacy code page 1252
(extended Latin-1).

First off, really helpful information, thank you. That was the exact background I was missing.

Two questions: any idea why this would be happening in this situation? AFAIK, stdout *is* a console when these images are running the python process. Second - is there a way I can check the locale and code page values that you mentioned? I assume I could call GetACP using ctypes, but maybe there is a simpler way?


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