Accuracy of multiprocessing.Queue.qsize before any Queue.get invocations?

Martin Di Paola martinp.dipaola at
Fri May 13 08:24:37 EDT 2022

If the queue was not shared to any other process, I would guess that its
size is reliable.

However, a plain counter could be much simpler/safer.

The developer of multiprocessing.Queue, implemented
size() thinking in how to share the size and maintain a reasonable
consistency between process.
He/she probably didn't care how well works in a single-process scenario
as this is a very special case.


On Thu, May 12, 2022 at 06:07:02PM -0500, Tim Chase wrote:
>The documentation says[1]
>> Return the approximate size of the queue. Because of
>> multithreading/multiprocessing semantics, this number is not
>> reliable.
>Are there any circumstances under which it *is* reliable?  Most
>germane, if I've added a bunch of items to the Queue, but not yet
>launched any processes removing those items from the Queue, does
>Queue.qsize accurately (and reliably) reflect the number of items in
>the queue?
>  q = Queue()
>  for fname in os.listdir():
>    q.put(fname)
>  file_count = q.qsize() # is this reliable?
>  # since this hasn't yet started fiddling with it
>  for _ in range(os.cpu_count()):
>    Process(target=myfunc, args=(q, arg2, arg3)).start()
>I'm currently tracking the count as I add them to my Queue,
>  file_count = 0
>  for fname in os.listdir():
>    q.put(fname)
>    file_count += 1
>but if .qsize is reliably accurate before anything has a chance to
>.get data from it, I'd prefer to tidy the code by removing the
>redunant counting code if I can.
>I'm just not sure what circumstances the "this number is not
>reliable" holds.  I get that things might be asynchronously
>added/removed once processes are running, but is there anything that
>would cause unreliability *before* other processes/consumers run?

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