Problem slicing a list with the C API

Jen Kris jenkris at
Sat Mar 12 18:30:55 EST 2022

Chris, you were right to focus on the list pDictData itself.   As I said, that is a list of 2-tuples, but I added each of the 2-tuples with PyList_Append, but you can only append a tuple to a list with the extend method.  However, there is no append method in the C API as far as I can tell -- hence pDictData is empty.  I tried with PyList_SetItem but that doesn't work.  Do you know of way to "extend" a list in the C API.  
Thanks very much.  


Mar 12, 2022, 13:57 by rosuav at

> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022 at 08:54, Jen Kris <jenkris at> wrote:
>> pDictData, despite the name, is a list of 2-tuples where each 2-tuple is a dictionary object and a string.
> Ah, gotcha. In that case, yeah, slicing it will involve referencing
> the tuples all the way down the line (adding to their refcounts, so if
> there's a borked one, kaboom).
> ChrisA
> -- 

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