Python installation

Dennis Lee Bieber wlfraed at
Tue Jun 21 14:07:05 EDT 2022

On Tue, 21 Jun 2022 14:22:29 +0300, Brian Karinga <kagushdsty at>
declaimed the following:

>I have been trying to download and install the latest version of python on
>my windows device. However, when I run the program, three options arise.
>These are:

	You are (re-)running the INSTALLER. Once you've run it, hide it away
someplace and only look at it if you need to -- well -- repair or modify
the installation.

	Python is not an IDE (it is not something like Visual Studio where one
opens a massive suite of editing/debugging tools which will eventually
invoke Visual C/C++/C#/BASIC compilers). It is a command line interpreter
which might (depending on install setting) configure the system to use it
to run files with .py (or .pyw for GUI applications where a console window
is not desired... note that running a .py by clicking on it will open a
console window, and that window will close when the program exits -- so
that option is often useless).

	Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
	wlfraed at

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